
Home Operators Public transport operators in the integrated fare system in Girona include: ** If you notice any kind of error, kindly notify us via email: infoatm@atmgirona.cat **

Transparency and good government

Home Transparency and good government Organització Estructura organitzativa i de funcionament Created with Sketch. Organigrama de l’ATM de Girona Actualitzat el 30/3/2017 Created with Sketch. Funcions Actualitzat el 30/3/2017 Created with Sketch. Perfil Actualitzat el 30/3/2017 Created with Sketch. Acords de creació i funcionament d’entitats del sector públic Actualitzat el 7/6/2021 Created with Sketch. Cartes […]

Links of interest

Home Links of interest Participating transport operators Created with Sketch. Participating transport operators section ATM member administrations Created with Sketch. https://www.atmgirona.cat/en/integrants Transport Created with Sketch. http://mobilitat.gencat.cat/ Transport consortiums of Catalonia Transport consortiums in the rest of Spain Created with Sketch. Madrid Regional Transport Consortium Created with Sketch. Biscay Regional Transport Consortium Created with Sketch. Seville […]


Home Publications Recent publications Llistat d’establiments (194 kB) Publicat el 18/3/2021 Tarifes que regiran a partir de l’1 de gener de 2021 (917 kB) Publicat el 28/12/2020 Compensació de títols no consumits durant l’estat d’alarma (44 kB) Publicat el 14/7/2020 Ús obligatori de mascaretes al transport públic (228 kB) Publicat el 4/5/2020 Preguntes sobre les […]

Transport zones

Home Transport zones MOBILITY ZONES THE TERRITORIAL AUTHORITY OF THE MOBILITY OF THE GIRONA AREA The Girona Territorial Transport Authority area is comprised of a total of 50 municipalities divided into eight zones. Users can go from one point to another using any of the different means of transport they may require with a single fare […]

Request your personalised fare card

Home Request your personalised fare card Ordering your contactless card by mail Personalized cards may be requested, deferred, in person at the ATM customer service centre1, through the county councils of El Gironès, El Pla de l’Estany and La Selva, at the OAC3 by requesting a prior appointment or, at via email infoatm@atmgirona.cat. In all cases, it […]