Legal Notice

Home Legal Notice This website and all its contents, including the texts, images, sound and any other material are the property of the Camp de Tarragona Public Transport Consortium or some organisation linked to it, or to third parties that have authorised the use of these contents to the Camp de Tarragona Public Transport Consortium. […]

Application forms for personalized cards

Home Application forms for personalized cards Sol·licitud targeta personalitzada bonificada per a persones en situació d’atur (807 kB) Published on 18/1/2017 Sol·licitud targeta personalitzada URV (519 kB) Published on 18/1/2017 Sol·licitud targeta personalitzada família monoparental o nombrosa (1 MB) Published on 18/1/2017 Sol·licitud targeta personalitzada T-12 (615 kB) Published on 18/1/2017 Sol·licitud targeta personalitzada ordinària […]

Accessibility declaration

Home Accessibility declaration The Camp de Tarragona Public Transport Consortium, has committed to making its websites accessible in accordance with Royal Decree 1112/2018 of September 7, regarding the accessibility of websites and applications for mobile devices in the public sector (hereinafter the Royal Decree 1112/2018 of September 7). This accessibility declaration applies to the website […]

Travelling around Catalunya

Home Travelling around Catalunya Click on the link below to access “Travelling around Catalunya on public transport”, the website of the Generalitat of Catalonia for transit which includes a public transport route finder. Web Mou-te

Information and timetables of integrated transport operators

Home Information and timetables of integrated transport operators The schedules are provided by the operators and the ATM links directly to their website. If the link does not work, contact the operator that performs the service. You can also use the mou-te application to find the route and timetable of the journey you want to […]

Bus timetable

Home Bus timetable – AVE Camp de Tarragona railway station and Reus Airport Timetable Camp de Tarragona train station Tarragona (Empresa Plana) –  Timetable Reus (Empresa Plana) – Timetable Costa Daurada (La Pineda, Salou, Cambrils) With transfer at Tarragona bus station (Empresa Plana) – Timetable No transfers –> PortAventura, Salou, Cambrils (Empresa Plana) – Timetable Valls (Empresa Plana) […]